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Read, Listen or Watch "Book" Club: The Boston Strangler

Read, Listen or Watch "Book" Club: The Boston Strangler Online

Join LLC staff for a multi-modal true crime “book” club focusing on the Boston Strangler murders in the 1960s. Participants can choose to engage with a selected book, podcast or movie on the topic then join in two virtual discussions.

Visit the Read, Listen or Watch LibGuide for links to events and materials: guides.fscj.edu/Read_Listen_Watch

Second Session: Thursday, October 12, 7 - 8 p.m.
Join an online book discussion that explores the historical context of the Boston Strangler crimes, analyzes the killer's psyche and follows the investigative trails.

Related LibGuide: Read, Listen, or Watch: True Crime by Lea Cason

Thursday, October 12, 2023
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event.
Event URL: